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First Local Small Business Gift Box Coming Soon!

We are thrilled to announce that in the process of meeting with local small and micro businesses that we have decided to pivot for the holiday season to curate boxes of treasures from local small businesses for your shopping delight this year! This idea is born of the "get it together" concept that we still aim to deliver so you can shop small more conveniently throughout the year, but there have been some interesting obstacles that have stood in the way of making this a reality...yet. While putting together the holiday gift guide, which I do hope you are signed up to receive (if not, get on that newsletter signup friend!), there started to be some beautiful themes that linked these seemingly separate stores together. The most obvious one was the celebration of the city of Troy which can be seen in the images below.

If you click on the images above, you can head directly to the pages of the small businesses where they were found. Not all of them have e-commerce, but if you can't wait to have one of these, then head to the page and see if you can buy it online or better yet - go to the store and meet these amazing people! There are a few other things in the works, but we wanted to be sure to keep you all posted with the progress so far. We are thinking of a few other boxes, but wanted to get your input first. If you read this far and would be so kind as to answer the poll below, it would be AMAZING!

If you could only choose one box, which do you think you are most likely to purchase?

  • One with a variety of items celebrating Troy NY

  • Something with a selection of toys for my kids

  • A gender inclusive make your own box option

  • Something else - none of these sound all that great

Thank you so much to all of you have been supporting this start up journey and interacting with our socials, following them, sharing the good news, and subscribing to our newsletter. Those are all small, no cost ways, that you can support small businesses you love and we appreciate your time and energy!

More to come soon!

With Gratitude, E

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